Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Positive Self Talk

Last night at my Marathon Clinic we had Dr. Natasha Wesch a Sports Psychologist/Mental Skills Coach from the University of Western Ontario spoke to us. She was great...and it was appropriate to have her on one of the HOTTEST days of the year when it is so easy to talk yourself out of a run...or talk yourself into a bad run...

It was such a good reminder of how important it is to set goals, a positive long term vision and to creative positive affirmations...We know that half the battle with running is mental...I am a self-proclaimed "negative talker" when it comes to running...I can admit it...however I have noticed that with this training cycle and the half training cycle I am doing MUCH better than my previous half marathons and I feel better training for the marathon this time around...

Part of this is due to "Positive Self Talk" as soon as I hear the old "me" in my head I automatically start talking to myself in a different way...It can be a struggle however it is getting better...I liked Natasha's idea of doing Affirmations each morning or before runs...I have made up a fun one in my head and I am going to try and focus the next few runs on this affirmation and hopefully make it a habit...

Although I am doing well currently I want to ensure that on my Long/Hilly/Speed work training days that this continues...

What techniques have you used to help with the mental aspect of running??


  1. I tend to play tricks with my mind over the only 2 more sets of 3 miles left...3 miles is easy...that kind of talk. That, and I just try to be very competitive with myself, like I ran in xx time last week and was fine so I'm sure I can push more, etc. Seems to work for me!

  2. I will talk ALOT to myself. Only so many more miles to can do've done it before, etc. Keep at it! you can do it!
