Yesterday I ran the
Goodlife Toronto Marathon. This was my 5th Marathon and also my 1st Marathon!! To put things into a bit of perspective...I ran my first Marathon in 2007. This race was actually held in the fall at that time...Here is a picture of me and my friend Lindsay prior to the race...I trained and it was VERY tough...I also weighed 50lbs more than I do now...I finished that race in 5:39:48...It was tough and I am so proud of that race and finishing and having it start my love of running...
So now it is 2012. I have had quite a bit of success the past two years in running and have seen my times improve. My big breakthrough I think came this year when I ran
Around the Bay a challenging course and completed it in 2:56:38. When I finished that race I felt AMAZING! I was a little sore that day but nothing crazy....That was actually workout #18 for the taper...heavy Half Ironman Training...very positive energy. I knew that would set me up for potentially a Sub 4:15:00 full at Goodlife.
I came home and typed those numbers into the
McMillan Running Calculator It said a 4:12:XX Marathon. I have always been over by about 2min with those so I thought a 4:15:00 depending on the conditions etc. that it would be possible and I would be thrilled. I started to follow the McMillan pace suggestions for Long Runs, Tempos etc. I was feeling great, continued to swim and bike and also was doing yoga min once a week (after the 30 day challenge)and tried for 2 times by doing the Yin (Deep Stretch Class on Sundays after a long run).
So the Friday Night:
The hubby had left early Friday morning to participate in the NYC 5 Borough Bike Tour so I had the house to myself!! I worked a 10-6pm shift, came home and picked up my favourite sushi. I walked the dog, watched some TV and headed to bed around 10-11pm. I had an okay night sleep...not the best but when I did eventually wake up I felt pretty good which was a bit of a relief. I did an easy 3km run and the legs actually felt fresh and ready to go. I came home packed and met Lindsay who was my Sherpa for the Race and she drove us to Toronto.
We went immediately to the Expo at the Direct Energy Centre. The expo was okay but like some others said there was a weird mix of vendors: make-up, cooking demos, lots of protein bar/drink people. I do like though that TO Marathon always has clothing of their own for very reasonable prices. I picked up a cute pull-over. My one disappointment was that they ran out of Women's Specific Tech shirts. So annoying when you pre-order your shirt. I picked up a men's shirt, the colour is great but the fit kind of sucks...whatever...they did give us the opportunity to have a free shirt from a previous years I took 2 and so did Lindsay :)
Katherine Switzer had a booth as she was the key-note speaker for the event. I purchased a cute bracelet from her and she gave me a running charm. We were listening to her and asking her questions with a few other people and she was so nice and felt like you were speaking with a close friend telling you all the good gossip!! She then told us about the significance of the charm and did her little ritual for it:
I am REALLY into it at this point. She told me I was going to have a big PR and I believed it. I knew I was going to get that sub 4:15:00. I need to read her book now...It was just lovely meeting her and speaking with her...felt so normal, not fake and just very intimate...

We then headed to our hotel in Downtown Toronto. It worked out that our close friend Liz works about 2mins from the hotel. She stopped by before work and was a BIG help with directions, route info and general TO stuff. I wanted a plain and simple meal and she suggested Spaghetti Factory as it was only a 10min walk away...While using the Hotel Lobby Computer, Liz came back and told us her shift had been cancelled so she was able to join us for dinner. Even better as we knew we wouldn't get lost...I had a great dinner and felt satisfied...soon after we headed back to the hotel...and I was setting out my race stuff...and getting ready to go to bed...or so I thought. I got a call from my good friend Rebecca who was on her way home from Dinner and staying at the hotel across the street...she and her partner came and stopped by...we made plans to meet for the morning...this was a huge relief. Rebecca was my first Running Instructor ever, we also worked together and is a good friend. I was so happy to not be going alone to the start...we made plans to meet in the lobby for 6:15am...
I had a good sleep...set the alarm for 5:00am and woke up feeling nervous but excited...I had my usual breakfast of a banana, pb on a white bagel and coffee. It all tasted delicious. I got ready and Lindsay came to take pictures of us in the lobby! Rebecca paced me to my first ever sub 3:00:00 30k race. This was Marathon #11 for her and she was the one who got Lindsay and I to run the it felt so awesome to have her there...and also to have Lindsay there....Lindsay is pregnant and due this August. I can't imagine doing races without her...
This is my sweet Mickey Mouse Collard throw-away that I have been trying to get rid of since Chicago 2010. All my races have been too warm to wear it!!! Hubby will be relieved once he knows this is no longer in the house!
It was a short bus ride (20mins) to the start. I sat with Rebecca and we had a good chat. I was feeling good...I quickly checked my bag (no issues...was SUPER FAST) and headed into the North York Civic Centre to use the real toilets. I had a bottle of G2 throughout the morning and was starting to get nervous....My stomach was off but not in a "I need to go kind of way" just a weird way...
We quickly said our goodbye's and went to line up with our respective pace bunnies (Rebecca rocked her race)
I started with the 4:15 pace bunny. They were nice and started out crazy fast...I kept up with them but also knew that they were a little all over the map...I was not going to do a run/ plan like most races is to grab water or Gatorade at every station and walk to take it....usually no more than 20-30 secs.
The first 5km went REALLY smoothly....I was feeling good and felt like a 4:15:00 would be a possibility. I was running by feel and trying to not worry to much about my pace and let it happen 8km I saw an open Porter-Potty and went for it....I lost a bit of time but was able to catch up and pass the 4:15:00 pace bunny....There was one big hill, Hogs was problems...all good...
Shortly after this I saw
Marlene on the course...I got a High-Five from her...She looked FAB in her rainbow Tu-tu and Boston Marathon Orange Jacket...
I crossed the 21k mark at current half PR is 2:04:53 so I was surprised that I was running as fast as I was....
My only stress was that I was getting cramps with Water, gatorade and any type of nutrition...I was just having small sips...I knew I ate an awesome breakfast, and had gone to the bathroom at 8k so I prayed that I could be sustained for the race on that...
I saw my friends, Lindsay, Liz and Keely at the 22k mark...they gave me a HUGE boost and I think I surprised them with how fast I was going...I told them I would be slowing down as I couldn't keep anything down....
I went on my way....They race is go through downtown, nice neighborhoods...I can't describe them all as I have no memory of what came when....I felt like I was just in the zone and telling myself to BE STEADY and that I am a 4:15:00 marathoner....I kept repeating this over and over again...I got to the lakeshore and knew that it was basically 30mins out, turn around, 30mins back and then 2.2k to the finish....I spent last night and this morning reminding myself of that...I had big trouble the first time around with the out and back...I saw Rebecca's partner Larry (who rocks and also is my acupuncture Doc :)...he is great). He was also surprised that I was running so this point I thought I was around the 4:12:00 mark...I was trying to do math in my head and even simple math when running does NOT happen for me...
Prior to this many of those in the half were passing me so my gamin was off...I wasn't really looking at the total time part...just my lap pace average...when I hit the 30k it said 2:52:XX...WHAT??? Seriously...that was faster than ATB by about 4mins....I saw Marlene again...which was an awesome boost....
The out and back was hard...I tried to take sips or water, gatorade and even tried a cramps so I backed off....I hit the 35k at 3:24:07 and knew that I was slowing significantly....I wanted to hold on for that last 7.2k and not blow up...
I was sooooo SURPRISED when I saw my friends at 39-40k mark...
They were cheering like CRAZY and it gave me the boost I needed....I also gave them my little fuel belt that was packed with my nutrition that I did not lightened me up and I went on my way and knew I would be seeing them at the finish...
At this point I was hurting...the last 2.2k are a blur...I was so quads were on FIRE....I didn't think downhills really affected me but they were starting....the crowds got thicker and were a great support...I basically went into this crazy zone...and also saw my overall time at the 41k mark and knew if I dug deep I could get a sub 4:10:00....I had been denying to myself the whole race that a sub 4:10:00 was possible...and that I shouldn't be greedy with a huge PB and just aim for that 4:11:00 or 4:12:00 and assumed that would be my time as I knew I was slowing down big time....I think this was my way of ensuring that if I didn't get that sub 4:10:00 I wasn't going to be disappointed. A coping mechanism basically...
When I saw that 41k sign I knew I wanted that sub 4:10:00 and I wanted it badly and knew I was going to get it....I started to tear up as I could see the stop light where I was going to be turning right and heading right to the finish...I had an amazing last 1.2k....I was so happy...the crowd was awesome and just took it all in...
I crossed the finish line with a 4:08:59....An 18min PB (Mississauga was a 4:27:53)....Larry was at the finish waiting for me...we found Rebecca and celebrated...I had a chocolate milk and it was tasty...still in a weird zone...did this really happen???...I could barely I was sore...I picked up my bag and found my friends...
The best cheer squad a runner could ask for!!
Lindsay and I like to dress the same! Just because she is pregnant doesn't mean that can't still happen!!! Love that we still dressed the same today!
Check out the MASSIVE bling...
We headed back to the hotel via Shuttle Bus and I had a bathroom baby wipe shower and we headed to lunch....Lindsay and then headed back to London....All in all it was a great experience....I am on cloud 9 and feel like the hard work is starting to pay off and that I am in a good place for Muncie in July...I plan on taking the week off to rest and recovery...I can barely walk today...haha...sitting down and going downstairs is quite difficult...I know I left it all out there on the course!