Monday, October 25, 2010

Mileage Update

Short and Sweet: Last Week:

Monday: 20km Bike Ride
Tuesday: 6km Run
Wednesday: 10km Run
Thursday: 6km Run
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday 13.77km Run

Feeling pretty good...still a little tired...had a great pace for that 13.77km run (6:03...and did not take any walk breaks)....Legs are a little sore...have been rolling with my NEW Roller: I have it in black...Funny how you start to increase that mileage and these little niggles come back :(

I picked this baby up at the Chicago Marathon Expo...I tried it out...It kicked my butt...My old foam roller had been used so much that it was starting to get a wonky shape...this one is much better and has different levels to I haven't been able to roll for AS long as it hurts...BUT a good hurt....Will give a better update after more use...

On Tap for this week:

Tuesday:6km Run
Wednesday: 10km Run
Thursday: 6km Run (easy)
Friday: Bike or Rest?
Saturday: Bike or Rest?
Sunday: 10km most likely...

Happy Running....These Ontario Municipal Elections have been crazy tonight!


  1. Lish,

    Congrats on your Chicago Marathon results!

    I just started a blog to bring runners etc. together to share experiences. If you get a chance, stop by my blog and say hello. You might find some of the information helpful.



  2. I need to get a roller. This post reminded me.

  3. Hi Ken...I will stop by!

    Michelle....invest in a quality roller....I wore my old one out...and this one is def' worth it..."It hurts so good"

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm behind on blog reading / commenting...I missed your last post - love the new title!

    That roller looks mean, hehe...

  6. I've been eyeing that roller for awhile now. It's especially good because it's packable without being construed as a weapon (BTDT) and you can stuff things inside---score!

  7. That is one funky looking roller!!

    Love the new blog name/sub-text, BTW!!

  8. Why wife has one of those constantly left around the house. It used more as a soccar ball than a roller. :-)

